Wednesday, December 22, 2004

It's pretty late

THAT had to go away because I'm kind of basically over it. Are most people? The talk is, I guess.

The truth about today is that I took two doses of Excedrin, which is not only hell on my stomach but has the tragic side effect of keeping one up at night when one really ought to be sleeping and keeping one's head cold from heading south to the nightmare country known as chest cold. When it's a tension headache Excedrin only takes the edge off, so maybe the doses were ultimately a mistake and what I should really be doing is exercise or at least cleaning the baseboards. Because my mom is coming and she will see the dirt like the crazy ladies on Oprah and honestly, how do I live like this? Today my house smelled from a pot in the sink.

But none of that is close to interesting, so let's try sleeping again.