Sunday, February 16, 2003

Ice is falling from the sky


I hate it. I just watched the Weather Channel for signs that it would soon leave, but instead I was reminded that it's 60 degrees in Los Angeles. (Oh, Los Angeles, how I romanticize you. Not that he would, but if Donnie were to fire me, I would RUN to LA and BEG Jennifer Garner to let me be her assitant). Anyway, all I could think to do was come home from church and get into my flannel pajamas and enjoy the power while we still have it. Depending on your perspective, ice storms are either beautiful or horrible. Maybe they're both, if you're of a mind to be flexible in bad weather. I, unfortunately, am not.

Especially today, because while snow is at least tolerable (though, in North Carolina, any amount of snow might as well be the apocalypse the way people drive), ice is eerie and foreboding. It sounds like little beads crashing and takes the shape of whatever is in its path. Things become too heavy in their shroud and bend or, worse, break and crash to the groud, often taking power lines or crashing through roofs or cars. Liz tried to convince me in December - and yesterday, in anticipation - that it's really beautiful. It's true; the barren trees look like they're coated in glass and eventually the sun comes out and the reflection nearly blinds you. That's nice.

But right now I can't help remembering what it felt like to be awakened at 3 am to the sound of a 100-foot pine tree crashing on the roof, and how I'm seeing these skinny pines outside sway with every falling drop. And the grayness outside matches my melancholy inside. I guess I should be grateful I don't live in Philadelphia, where they're expecting 18" of snow today, and that, at least for now, I do, in fact, have heat and power with which to gripe about the weather. But I get more and more inflexible about the winter with every passing day, and so for now, I think the only option is to get in bed and pretend it's not happening. Because I heard that works.

Addendum :: 7:12 p.m. After a long nap (not THAT long!) and the happy realization that I still have power, I feel like I should give the weather a little break. It could be so much worse, and, let's be honest - I'm projecting some disappointment on the ice. Without revealing telling details, let's just say there is going to be a wedding sometime that I hate, and I'm mad that I don't have it in me to be gracious about it. Plus, I'm unproductive. My list of important things to do is loooong and goes untouched, sometimes, week after week.

That said, I'm not soliciting sympathy here, just working on putting my therapy to good use. My mood is not the fault of the weather. Carry on, ice. Just don't knock out the power, pretty please.

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