Saturday, June 14, 2008


My new (and now former) favorite food blog, Tastespotting, is no more. The "legal complications" reference begs the question: most of what I read (and, well, blog about, frankly) is borrowed from somewhere else on the internet. So is the internet just one big wormhole of recycled ideas? Sometimes it seems that way.

Its end is sad, but not as sad as poor Tim Russert dying from a heart attack at age 58 while he was at work, may he rest in peace. Like Jon said, "How can we have an election now?" Indeed.


Em said...

i know! i just went there to search for a good pad thai recipe and found that note. boo.

Shelley said...

Tastespotting was a treasure trove of good ideas and wonderful food photography. I hope they can work out the legal issues and come back in some form or fashion soon.