Dogey went to Fresdoggy-dogg recently and saw some remodeling to our old house. We are all depressive sentimentalists, so to make it more sad for us all I'm posting this low-budget video I shot during the last Christmas at 1441 W. Alluvial. It will undoubtedly only be 5:29-worth of interest to my family and maybe my BFF Erin, but here it will live for when anyone wants a good cry.
This is the Christmas where Trav spent most of the time on the phone with Delta looking for his luggage. I didn't pick up a thing; it's in a state that Marge would probably object to having filmed, but it's accurate. The house is good, but honestly the best part is little Buddy and the raccoon potholder. There's a great moment where I'm walking down the hall and Pops turns off the light. He is famous for that. Jessie has highlights. Owie's a little baby. There's some random Christmas music blasting, and someone is always doing dishes - that night, it was Heff. Marge & Pops' bathtub looks especially grotesque in bad video. And Trav is not actually, you know, on the pot.
Fresno House from Alisa Muelleck on Vimeo.
Right Now I Am
11 years ago