Monday, July 19, 2004

Bye bye, Shirl

There was this brief period of time in 1999 -- I think it was 4 months -- that is so very hazy that the other night when someone asked me how I knew Abby, who was my roommate in the inappropriately-named Applewood apartments (neither apples nor woods nearby) for said brief period of time, I completely forgot how Abby ended up living with me at the next apartment with peach walls and teal carpet. Abby says it was because I spent most of my time lying on my bed in a Wal-Mart flannel nightgown, which may or may not be true. Also, shut up because it was winter and I was cold. I hardly even remember sitting in that living room because the sofa was 1) totally ugly and 2) usually filled with Kim Perry and her best friend, Boy Drama.

My point is that we had no television, and now I think that's just crazy, which says a lot of things about how I live my life right now, none of which I really want to go into for fear of discovering that I totally still have that flannel nightgown and still wear it while watching television and while yelling at cats on the porch, all of which means something that can't possibly be too far away from pathetic, so let's leave it alone.

Because what I really meant to talk about was how I love to watch Laverne & Shirley reruns on Lifetime, which started because I have this vague sense of nostalgia about it, even though we rarely watched tv at home, and even if we did, I was so young when this ran, it seems like I only could have watched it with my mom. I asked her the other day if she watched it (thinking, duh, that it was actually on in the 60s) and she said no, which wasn't a surprise, seeing as how she never watched anything. So I don't really know where the nostalgia vibe is coming from, except maybe that it's all mixed up in my head because my mom, aka Marge, used to call her own mother Laverne. I also love pop culture about best friends, as I have almost always had a best friend, and only recently kind of don't anymore, owing to getting older and working out the co-dependence thing, and to said friends getting married to boys and having babies. So perhaps it is the best friend-craving area of my cerebellum that pulls me toward L&S.

Right now, we're up to the second-to-the-last season, and last week Shirley just up and got married to Walter, the army guy in the full-body cast, found out she was pregnant, and then left for somewhere overseas. This was all revealed in an episode in which Laverne comes home and finds all of Shirley's stuff gone and a mawkish note in its place. It turns out that Cindy Williams left the show because of her own pregnancy and I never knew it, despite the show being over for over 22 years. Now I guess the next episodes are going to be about Laverne's misadventures, which, all told, is the most unsatisfying ending I can think of. I feel kind of like I'm re-living the no-more-best-friend era all over again, and I'm having a very hard time accepting it. I can't wait until they get through these episodes and start the series over again. Maybe Laverne was always the more popular character, but it is a mystery to me why they let it go on after Shirley -- whom I loved the best -- left. She should have married Carmine, found out she was pregnant, and let it end there. I don't know why I wasn't consulted back in 1982. It's the most depressing thing.

In other news, I've decided that The Vanity Project is the most overblown, pretentious, inaccurate title that ever was, and so I'm going to change it just as soon as I can think of something else. Ugh.

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