Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dear Summer,

Don't let the shade deceive you. It's not cool on the porch.

This is my statement: I am over summer. Over the humidity, the cicadas, the fogged up windows from a/c, over always needing a/c, walking face-first into a billion spider webs. Over the constant sweating, no real breeze, no shade that feels like shade, hazy skies, 80-degree nights.

Summer's not even that fun when you're a grownup; it's just hot. I can't discount the lovely vacation, but it's bookended by two stressful events, so it's hard to relax.

Let's be done already.


Lima Bean said...

Dear alitris,

Move to Oregon. Summers are dreamy here, as you already know.

The Fullers

Lady Holiday said...
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allie said...

boo to no more summer. it is freezing in utah and probably going to start snowing soon, so please don't encourage that to come any sooner than it already is.

Lis said...

Utah weather can do anything it wants, I'm only concerned for my humidity :)

It would be good to stay Fall for a few million more months.

Unknown said...

Hate Hot.
Hate Hot Weather.
Hate Hot, Humid Weather the most.
That is why I live in the Northwest.
Growing up in Utah ruined me for life.
I feel ya on the hot thing. So ready for fall.