Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Why blogs are awesome

Because now someone has made a list of the best and worst foods to eat while reading. I do this a lot - I love to sit in a restaurant by myself and read a book or catch up on The New Yorker. Pretty spot-on, if you ask me:


1. Bite-sized pasta - You eat this primly, with one hand and a fork, leaving the other hand free for the book.

2. Soup - Most soups are one-hand affairs.

3. Crackers, cookies, and carbs in general - But beware. Not only do they get crumbs in your pages you will also eat too much while reading.

4. Hard pretzels - Bite-sized and non-messy.

5. Cheese plate - Chris says this seems properly snobby for a nice read fest, good with port and
a pair of slippers. Also, easy to eat. Port, Stilton, and pears, all cut beforehand into bite-size pieces, go well with a deep read in the evenings. [Eh – this one I don’t quite agree with – too much grease on your hands, and you definitely need a proper carb to soak up the sourness of cheese, so why bother? Just eat the carb.]


1. Big burritos- These take concentration and skill to eat without making a mess - forget about turning the pages. [True – I would never go to Carrburitos for eating and reading – for the reason above and because I don’t want to look uncool, and I am 15 when I go to Carrburritos.]

2. Most sandwiches - Also two-hand affairs. If you have a book stand, though, these can still be OK.

3. Complicated salads - Too much work; you're always having to look down at your plate.

4. Soft pretzels - Too greasy.

5. Popcorn - Also too greasy, and distractingly noisy.


allie said...

i like this list. sometimes i eat a hamburger while i am reading, and i feel that this should maybe be added to the worst list (although it probably could go under sandwiches).
also, i like the blog about sports. i feel you :)

Lady Holiday said...

This is very important information! But wait--who reads with a book stand? Second, I don't agree with carbs and cheese. Fruit and cheese is perfect reading food for me. But I think my favorite reading "food" is candy. Peanut MnMs or dark chocolate raisinets.

Lima Bean said...

Since we're adding to the list, my favorite reading food is a diet pepsi, cold out of the fridge, poured over 4 ice cubes in a plastic cup. mmmmmmm.