Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Round bales, Crawford Dairy Road, sunset


Shelley said...

I have stopped along the side of the road to take pictures of round bales too. These are beautiful.

Em said...

boo. i miss that road and that view and that peep that lives near that road.

Lis said...

the whole lot of us miss you too.

Donnie Barnes said...

Heck, I miss Shelley and Emilee! And I still find it funny remembering back to that day I passed Emilee while she was running right along that very field and thinking "man, that looked just like Emilee" and then "wait, that was Emilee...I forgot she was visiting!"

I found something very surreal about that field the first time I saw it after it was cut and baled, too. Dunno what it was, since I never found that field particularly interesting otherwise.

Lis said...

I think part of the beauty this year is the rain-soaked bright green contrasted with the deep gold - it's very yin and yang and especially striking.

Lady Holiday said...

You just reminded me that I have about a hundred photos of NC's round haybales because I've always intended to paint them, but have never gotten around to it. Don't let me forget! They are beautiful.