Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sister Cinnamon

That is what some cute children call my friend DanaLee, who hates cinnamon to a degree that it makes me think she should maybe be tested for something. Girl can taste and smell it in things like french toast, where there might be 1/4 teaspoon or something. My other friend Dr. Street, who is at least 9 times smarter than me, no exaggeration, currently doing super-important research about . . . cells . . . and possibly things related to exercise in cells . . . at a little community college called Harvard University, says that DL is what we call a supertaster. There is apparently a thing where for $4.95 you could know if you are afflicted similarly. Seems like you might already know, unless you are a white American child living in Bunn Level, NC and you are a supertaster for star anise. In which case, drop that $4.95.

I was blogstalking earlier and this girl mentioned she was currently eating chocolate-covered cinnamon bears, which are found in the acreage of the bulk food aisle at Macey's (not the department store) and at the BYU Bookstore, and not, I am sorry to say, at Food Lion. Or the Teeter. If bulk candy is sold at either of those stores, I would be hard-pressed to tell you where it is. And now I really want one. Or twenty, even though it's that horrible/fabulous super cheap chocolate that's 1% cacao, 92% sugar, and 7% wax.

I'd settle for a regular cinnamon bear, extra-hot like my mama taught me. She happens to be a cinnamon bear expert. She is quite choosy; no lightweight cinnamon flavor for her. She could probably tell you what brands are the best - in fact, I think she has told us before, because we used to give her packages or bulk foods bags full of them. She bites their heads off and chews a minute like a sommelier and can tell you if the cinnamon-to-heaven-knows-what-else ratio is worth her time. I do know the 59 cents for 1, $1 for 2 bags at the gas station aren't even worth the buck, and I think she is wary of the cinnamon lips at Valentine's. In North Carolina, the gas station might be your only option. It's a sad world. We're probably all going to get Alzheimer's from the Red 40, but it might be worth it.


allie said...

mmm...cinnamon bears.
i'll bring some choc-covered variety to tahoe. maybe like 8 pounds, since there will be about 76 people there, including like 15 turners.
marge does have good taste in candy. yum.

DanaLee said...

I read that same post and seriously nearly puked at the idea of such a monstrous snack. Why would anyone ruin chocolate with candy flavored like the spice of death! If I was the better friend I would be willing to suffer through the wretched stink and go buy you some.

Lis said...

No worries, DL. But if you know where to find them, do tell.

Dogey - YES, PLEASE!

Lima Bean said...

They Might Be Giants have a funny kid's song called Supertasters. Check it out:
Sorry, I can't remember how to make this a hyperlink in a comment so you'll have to cut and paste.

Does Dr. Street have a diagnosis for our Muelleck super smellers? Or did I just diagnose us? Are we supersmellers?

Street said...

You know? I'm not a supertaster, but you don't have to be to know that chocolate covered cinnamon bears are gross. Trent brought some back for Helen when he was in Utah and seriously, those things are the most disgusting candy one can ever.
Also, you might be supersmellers. Taste and smell use the same kind of chemoreceptors and neuronal organization. So, if there are supertasters, there are certainly supersmellers.