Thursday, August 14, 2008


So, yeah, Alicia Sacramone lost the gold for the Americans and totally fell apart under the horrifying gymnastic pressure, but the whole debacle was made worse by the Debbie Downer, doomsday commentators Elfie and Tim and that other guy who doesn't actually seem to have ever been a gymnast. I'm watching the all-around final on Canadian NBC from this hotel in the Québec countryside and these commentators are just so much more zen about the whole thing. They tell us the mandatory eight-tenths deductions for falling on your booty on the vault, sure, but without the gasping and the proclamations of disaster. Tim and the other dude are so grandpa-cynical about it all (they hardly ever let Elfie get a word in), and most of the time the score doesn't match the drama-queening. And oh my gosh, shut up already about the disappointing Romanians. We get it.

Also, they just said Naaaadia (as in baaa) Comaneci like good Canadians.

(P.S. That one Chinese girl is 12 if she's a day, but I still wish not-Tim would shut the h up about how we need to decide for ourselves if they're lying their heads off and they forged a birth certificate when they pulled her out of the circus to train in the scary gymnastic machine.)


Lima Bean said...

I thought about you last night during the all-around, wondering how it would be to watch the Olympics in a different country. Sounds like it's better. I'm just annoyed at the timing of the gymnastics every night. I mean, I know they can't do anything about it, but I'm a zombie everyday after staying up to watch the end past midnight.

But you already heard (and saw my head bobbing on the couch) that story when you were here last week.

Can't wait to hear about your trip.

jeepmama said...

Oh, I feel your pain. Sometimes I think it would be better to watch on mute. "Dreama queening" says it perfectly.

It's not just gymnastics, though...they were downing Michael Phelps more than once, too. Guess he shut them up. Don't announce a loss until the race is over, dudes.